For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

Most of us would associate “For Better or For Worse” with words spoken in a wedding vow. I repeated those simple words many years ago with little or no thought of what they might one day entail. Today, however, my mind went beyond the original intent of those words to consider what it would be like if we applied that vow to other areas of life.

When Life and Work Intersect! A Train Wreck or a Quilted Masterpiece?

When Life and Work Intersect! A Train Wreck or a Quilted Masterpiece?

Our personal and professional lives are interconnected in numerous ways. Both require decisions that are made in an instant and over time. If life gives us anything, it gives us the ability to reflect on decisions great and small that have become life altering. What we choose to do with that reflection can become an integral part of our success or our failure both personally and professionally. 

Alive Inside, an Unexpected Reminder at Chic-fil-A

Alive Inside, an Unexpected Reminder at Chic-fil-A

My wife and I had taken our oldest granddaughter to Chic-fil-A. She is a cute, smart, and social nineteen-month-old. As we were eating an older woman walked by noticing our granddaughter, but she was on a mission to get to a table. Her husband lagged behind. Walking stooped and slow, he managed about six inches per step. Yet, he spoke to our granddaughter with the energy and vigor of a man half his age.

The Cost of Things

The Cost of Things

I’m sitting at the Dallas Love Field Airport waiting for my return flight home following an absolutely wonderful time at the National Association of Activity Professionals annual conference. Knowing I would not have an opportunity to eat until late evening, I decided to get something to drink and something small to eat.