Square Pegs in a World of Round Holes

I am reading a history of Thomas Edison. He was the epitome of a square peg. One intuitively knows he is a square peg. My name is Stan Means, and although I do not possess the intellect and skill of men like Edison, I am a square peg in a world of round holes. 

Your first thought of square pegs may be those kids you remember that others made fun of because they were different in one way or another. Perhaps a coworker, an acquaintance, or a family member comes to mind. The Christian community should be a place where the marginalized of society feel welcome. This may be a moment for some introspection.  

If you took a moment, I am sure most of you remember the marginalized from years ago and maybe even recently, but I am going to introduce you to a group you may not have considered. I am a member of the group. We often feel like square pegs in a world of round holes. I am talking about widows, widowers, divorced, singles, and seniors.

A few days ago I was running an errand with an old friend. He knew my wife before he knew me and had invited me to a surprise birthday party for his wife. Before all of the guests had arrived, he invited me to go with him to pick up the food. Perhaps the greatest words he has ever spoken came in the form of a question. “So how do I talk to you now?” 
What he really said was, I have known you for a long time, and I knew Sue even longer. I can tell you are not the same. I don’t know how to talk to my widower friend. Help me.

I am the first to admit that I am not the same, and that is not all bad. God has taught me so much in the last 15 months. A man recently contacted me from the lower part of the state. He wanted to meet me after reading my blogs, especially those about Sue. He drove a total of four hours to meet me. Why do I write blogs like this one? I want to touch hearts, to fan the flames of love, and to give hope to the hopeless. God is good, even when we don’t understand his ways. Seize the Day. Tomorrow is not guaranteed! That is why I write.

Please forward this blog if you are inclined to do so. You can even help us reach seniors in care centers by visiting a senior or by supporting our work. You can give online through our web link below. We can make a difference.

Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries
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